Wednesday 9 July 2014

Regulation 88: Certificate of Independent Technical Expert

88–Certificate of independent technical expert in certain cases
(1) This regulation applies to the assessment of a proposed development against the Building Rules in respect of–
(a) materials and forms of construction to which Part B1–Volume 1, or Part 2.1–Housing Provisions–Volume 2, of the Building Code applies; or
(b) the matters referred to in Section E–Volume 1 of the Building Code; or
(c) energy efficiency matters referred to in Section J–Volume 1, or Part 2.6–Housing Provisions–Volume 2, of the Building Code.
(2) For the purposes of section 36(4)(a) of the Act, a relevant authority must, in a circumstance where this regulation applies, accept that building work complies with the Building Rules to the extent that such compliance is certified by the provision of technical details, particulars, plans, drawings or specifications prepared and certified by an independent technical expert who–
(a) certifies that the materials, forms of construction and systems to which the details, particulars, plans, drawings or specifications relate will, if installed or carried out in accordance with the details, particulars, plans, drawings or specifications, comply with the requirements of the Building Code; and
(b) sets out in detail the basis on which the certificate is given and the extent to which the person giving the certificate has relied on relevant tests, specifications, rules, standards, codes of practice or other publications.
(3) Pursuant to section 101(1) of the Act, a relevant authority, authorised officer or private certifier may rely on the certificate of an independent technical expert in a circumstance where this regulation applies.

For up to date information check the South Australian Development Regulations.