Sunday, 29 September 2013

On Professions

I have little interest in professions. I basically consider that in the main professionals have hijacked the human knowledge base and are holding it to ransom for extortionate fees, via the use of fear uncertainty and doubt (#fud). People don't find out that the professional knows less than they do until they have paid the fee, this is particularly the case when it comes to management consultants.

Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent and adaptable creatures on earth. Yet teachers having told the class this, proceed to treat their pupils like sheep, and turn them into inflexible cogs supposedly required by the machinery of industrial society. It all fits with a mechanistic view of the world. Chop and dice up knowledge and tasks.

The knowledge required to survive in the world of tomorrow cannot be based on that of yesterday. it is not professionals who have continuing professional development imposed upon them that we need. It is individuals who seek to learn, and better understand the future that we are heading towards.
A professional is simply a cog required by some established system. Professionals are highly specialised inferior subspecies of humanity. Aim to be human rather than a professional.